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Datum : 09.05.2014

Titel :
FLUIDDA'S Technology Assists in Optimizing Treatment for COPD Patients

Meldung : Kontich, Belgium (ots/PRNewswire) - FLUIDDA's breakthrough imaging technology was used to assess the mode of action of Roflumilast, a novel drug to treat patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). FLUIDDA's study clearly demonstrated that the drug was superior to placebo and very effective in a subset of patients. Furthermore, the study provided a guide for physicians to determine which patient to treat. The results will soon be published in the renowned European Respiratory Journal. FLUIDDA's CEO Dr. Jan De Backer commented: "We are very happy to see that our technology can be used to understand how certain drugs work so that they can be prescribed to the right patients. This is particularly important since a lot of future respiratory drugs will require a thorough understanding of the mechanism of action in order to make it to market." About FLUIDDA (http://www.FLUIDDA.com) FLUIDDA is the world leader in the field of Functional Respiratory Imaging (FRI) research and development. The company's proprietary FRI technology offers pharmaceutical companies and healthcare providers a unique entry point into personalized medicine for patients suffering from respiratory diseases and sleep-related breathing disorders. Implementation of FRI in the clinical practice creates significant added value to the current healthcare standard in the respiratory field. ots Originaltext: FLUIDDA Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de Contact: Jan De Backer, CEO FLUIDDA, Jan.Debacker@fluidda.com, +32-3-450-87-20

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